In this first interview episode of 2022, Pastor Jay Lee has a conversation with guest Calvin Smith, fellow podcast host, and self-professed Atheist.  In this conversation they discuss Calvin's upbringing in Christianity and how reading the Bible drove him into atheism.  They also discuss "street epistemology", the reliability of the Bible, and Christians who have not read the Bible.

Guest Bio:

Calvin Smith is a musician, podcaster, practicing street epistemologist,  and ancient history enthusiast. Calvin has spent the last few years  reevaluating his beliefs that he once held onto dearly. It wasn't until  his first read-through of the Bible that he began to question everything  he once thought to be true. Calvin, who now considers himself atheist,  hopes to break the stigma of not being able to talk about  beliefs without a screaming match, and hopes to induce critical thinking  skills to believers and non-believers alike with the help of his  podcast, "Unquestionable with Calvin Smith.

The closing song for this episode "4Everybody" is by Floetic Dre (@floeticdre) -

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